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I cannot speak highly enough about how this SOP program has made a positive impact on my own life, not only teaching me processes on how to make good choices but also gave me the confidence to maintain good choices in my life. Coming away from this program has relieved the stress and pressures to make bad choices in difficult situations and given me the confidence to walk away knowing I’m doing the right thing for myself.
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I became happier and much more responsible due to what my teacher taught me. I am now able to handle different environments and people with a new perspective and make more responsible decisions.
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When I started this program, I was angry. Angry with the thought that I would have to do something that I didn’t need. I just knew the legal system had coined me as an addict behind a mistake that I had made. In the beginning, I was doing the process because I had to. Now I know that the system works. I am able to identify my downfalls and deal with issues, situations, and events in ways that I didn’t think I could. My alcohol addiction was my excuse for everything. There is nothing in my life that I need alcohol for anymore. There are tactics that I learned during SOP to get me passed and away from things that put my life at risk. I am aware that I did need this and it was a blessing in disguise that the accident that I was in, put this treatment in my life. The outlook that I have on my life and future is great and I owe a lot of credit to you and the things that you have taught me. I will use these tools for the rest of my life and continue to stay sober
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Discover and Recover Counseling Services -- There couldn't be a better name to coin my experience. Discover and Recover Counseling Services enveloped me from Day 1 and I am indebted to their professionalism, engagement, warmth, and commitment to their mission
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SOP allowed me to maintain my focus and my sobriety in such a manner, where I will become a leading example on how to be a great role model for my family, people around me, and most importantly, the younger generation.
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Many of the things that I learned in this program can be directly used to recognize triggers, change my thought process and lower my anxiety
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The SOP program here is life-changing. Mrs. Hinds gives you the tools to a good recovery and they can also be applied in your everyday life. She makes this process so much easier with her guidance and advice on how to approach every situation you could think of. I 100% recommend the services of Discover and Recover.