Thinking for a Change 4.0 (T4C) is an integrated cognitive behavioral change program
authored by Jack Bush, Ph.D., Barry Glick, Ph.D., and Juliana Taymans, Ph.D., under a
cooperative agreement with the National Institute of Corrections (NIC). T4C incorporates
research from cognitive restructuring theory, social skills development, and the learning and
use of problem-solving skills.
Thinking for a Change 4.0 (T4C) is comprised of 25 lessons that build upon each other. Thinking for a Change 4.0 is copyrighted by its authors, with certain rights retained by NIC. Discover and Recover Counseling Services, LLC are licensed providers or the Thinking for a Change 4.0 program.
The three components of Thinking for a Change are: cognitive self-change, social skills, and problem-solving skills.
Cognitive self change teaches individuals a concrete process for self-reflection aimed at uncovering antisocial thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs.
Social skills instruction prepares group members to engage in pro-social interactions based on self-understanding and consideration of the impact of their actions on others.
Problem solving skills integrate the two previous interventions to provide group members with an explicit step-by-step process for addressing challenging and stressful real-life situations.
The program integrates these three types of interventions in the following way:
Lesson 1 begins the program with an overview and introduction.
Lessons 2-5 and 11-15 teach social skills.
Lessons 6-10 teach the cognitive self-change process.
Lessons 16-24 teach problem solving skills.
Lesson 25 provides a wrap up of the program with the option of extending the program based on the needs of group members. For example, groups may opt to meet for additional sessions to learn new social skills that they have negotiated with their group facilitators; along with further practice in applying cognitive self-change and problem-solving skills to newly identified problem situations.
Thinking for a Change, empower individuals in the criminal justice system so they can successfully reintegrate into society. Thinking for a Change is research-based and designed for primarily for those in the justice system. The program has received evidence-based support, including studies showing it is associated with significant reductions in disciplinary infractions and recidivism rates.
At Discover and Recover we recognize the power of the course, by recognizing the potential in every group member; empowering them to make positive changes. In Thinking for a Change we don't tell our group members what to do, rather we fill there pockets with the skills they need to make positive choices and change their lives.
No matter where you are in the USA if you are required to take the Thinking for a Change class then you can join our class. We are virtual - join us from your home, or job. You don't have to be in Houston or even Texas!!!
Although we are virtual, we limit the number of group members to ensure all get a chance to participate and achieve the most from the course.